
play • connect • grow

Child development resources to help children reach their full potential through play

Having fun while we learn

Life can sometimes be challenging and overwhelming for children, parents, teachers, and therapists alike. Play is a wonderful way to escape the pressures of life and experience the freedom of creativity. Playful Tulip is a place where we share our developmental adventures and hope to inspire natural playful learning. We would like to promote a world where play is the foundation for developing young children and where we, as adults, are free to have fun with them.

Play is a wonderful way to help children grow and learn, but not only that, it creates magical moments in life where children, and the adults in their lives, can connect and grow together.  Life certainly is not all rainbows and unicorns, the daily struggle is real, but by using playfulness it is possible to turn a power struggle into a fun bonding moment.

For tips, tricks and information be sure to check out our blogs, and to find out more about me head over to the about page.

“We don’t stop playing

because be grow old,

we grow old

because we stop playing.”


• George Bernard Shaw •

Child Development Information and Resources

Gross Motor Skills

Motor skills enables a child to move and use their body. Gross motor skills are developed when children use their ‘big’ muscles; for activities like sitting, crawling, walking, jumping. 


Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills involve the small muscles of the hands.  It includes activities like holding a pencil, stringing beads, lacing shoes and cutting with scissors.

Visual Motor Skills

Visual motor skills, also known as visual motor integration, is the ability to interpret visual information and respond with a motor action. Visual motor skills influences coordination and academic performance.

children playing in ballet for a sensory experience

Sensory Integration

Sensory Integration is the unconscious process whereby our brain filters and organizes all the sensory information it receives. This enables us to understand and respond appropriately to others and our environment, and forms the underlying foundation for academic learning and social behavior.

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Grow and Be Curious

And at the end of the day

Your feet should be dirty,

your hair messy,

and your eyes sparkling.

– Shanti

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NOTE: Only available in Netherlands




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Celebrate Beverage Day with Fun Activities for the Whole Family

May 6 is Beverage Day—a perfect occasion to relax and enjoy your...

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